Ways to keep your outdoor allergens OUT

Ways to keep your outdoor allergens OUT

If you suffer from allergies, you know that outdoor allergies are part of summer. We’re not saying you’re happy about it; after all, who wants to be sneezing and wheezing all summer? What we can do is give you tips that keep those annoying allergies outdoors so you’re symptom-free (or at least symptom-less) every time you head inside to get away from those pesky outdoor allergens.

Designate an area where you leave those allergens.

Bringing in allergens inside is inevitable. Allergens stick to your clothes and hair whenever you are outside. When you head inside for some relief, don’t relax on the couch. Instead, take the clothes you wore outside off in a designated area where you can isolate the allergens (i.e. mudroom, laundry room, etc.). Take a shower to rid your body of allergens—and keep allergy symptoms away.

Get your carpets cleaned.

Carpets can trap allergens; a deep carpet clean removes those allergens. As tempting as it may be to head to the hardware store and rent a carpet cleaner, those machines often do not completely remove allergens as well as a professional carpet clean. Schedule a professional carpet clean ASAP to get the dirt and allergens out of your carpet and away from your body.

Keep your windows closed.

If you want to create an allergy-free zone, take a very basic step to keep outdoor allergies well, outside. Keep your windows closed at all times, and don’t open the screens on your storm door.

Research your next vacuum cleaner.

A regular vacuuming plays a key part in removing outdoor allergens from your home. Choose a vacuum with a HEPA filter or double bag to remove allergens from your flooring and from the air (other tips for purchasing the perfect vacuum cleaner here). This is one step that can help you so you can remove the allergens without having an allergy attack.

Keep your furnace and ducts clean.

Outdoor allergens can stick to your clothes and body, releasing them into the air. Those allergens can get sucked into your ducts and circulate throughout your home, exposing you to outdoor allergens in your home. Stop the “allergy spread” at the source. Purchase a furnace filter with a high Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (and contact an HVAC technician to make sure your furnace can handle a filter with a high MERV) and schedule a duct cleaning to keep them from circulating throughout your home